Lecturer : Associate Professor Dr. Bongkosh Ngamsom Rittichainuwat
รายละเอียดลักษณะของรายวิชา แบบ มคอ.3 : Download
หมายเหตุ |
Slide |
เอกสาร |
1 |
Introduction Overview
2 |
Business Research for the 21st Century
3 |
Fundamentals of Research Design
4 |
Creative Decision Making and Research
5 |
Ethics in Business Research
6 |
Data Collection Approaches
7 |
Measurement and Scaling
8 |
Mid Term Exam
9 |
Questionnaire Design
10 |
Sampling Approaches and Considerations
11 |
Understanding and Presenting data
12 |
Basic Data Analysis Methods
13 |
Correlation and Regression
14 |
Reporting and Presenting Research
15 |
Final Exam