Lecturer : Associate Professor Bongkosh Ngamsom Rittichainuwat, PH.D
รายละเอียดลักษณะของรายวิชา แบบ มคอ.3 : Download
หมายเหตุ |
Slide |
เอกสาร |
1 |
Class Overview
2 |
A Study of Tourists’ Motivation in Visiting Phuket after the Tsunami
3 |
The Image of Thailand as an International Travel Destination
4 |
Travel Inhibitor of Tourist to Visit Thailand
5 |
Conceptual Framework of Destination Image
6 |
Mid Term
7 |
Perceived Travel Risks Regarding
terrorism and Diseases:
The Case of Thailand
8 |
A Study of The Impact of Travel Satisfaction on the Likelihood of Travelers to Revisit Thailand
9 |
Thailand’s Promotional Strategies During the Financial Crisis
10 |
Presentation of Research Project
11 |
Understanding the Motivation of Travelers to Revisit Thailand
12 |
Establishing Performance Standards
13 |
Establishing Performance
Standards (Continue)
14 |
Case Study
15 |
Thailand’s Financial Crisis in 1997
16 |
Final Exam